
  • University of Lethbridge, Alberta (Ongoing)
    • B.Mgmt. Computer Science

work experience

  • Tracx Systems Ltd., Lethbridge, Alberta (Dec ‘22 - Oct ‘23)
    • Full Stack Developer using PHP, Laravel, JS, MySQL, Docker, BitBucket, ClickUp and more.
    • Developed and optimized web applications used by our clients and their drivers as part of Features, Integrations, and Support teamss.
    • Diagnosed and resolved bugs within our software with help of clients and testers.
    • Architected and implemented new features and third-party integrations for our clients.
    • Collaborated with teammates across different time zones to accomplish tasks.
  • Husky Energy Inc., Calgary, Alberta (Jan ‘20 - Dec ‘20)
    • Co-op Student in the IT department.
    • Developed to automate the migration of JIRA attachments to a new Salesforce system.
    • Modified to be multithreaded (as much as the GIL allowed) to automate the copy and checksum of 750TB seismic data from an old archive to a new archive for the Geology group.
    • Developed a python file system crawler to monitor network drives and generate a diff of any changes.
    • Developed Cerberus, which used the file system crawler to monitor network drives and send notifications to users via email.

personal projects

  • proto compiler
    • A compiler for a custom language called proto written in Rust.
  • beanstalk
    • a web app written for the management of a small farm business.
    • it is developed with the Remix framework and uses TypeScript, React, Prisma, MongoDB and TailwindCSS.

business projects

  • stratum labs
    • started with 4 of my technically savvy friends to offer web and app development services to local businesses.
    • we are building out our first project, project RuthApp, which is a Flutter app which helps people in the community assess whether they are being abused and what they can do about it.
  • greenbean farms
    • started with 2 friends and my older sister to offer fresh produce at affordable prices to the community.
    • we are currently in the process of growing our snail business in Port Harcourt, Nigeria and using beanstalk to streamline the management of the business.


  • programming
    • I love programming and I am always looking for new projects to work on.
    • I am mostly working in Rust, TypeScript, Python, and C | C++ but I am always open to learning new languages and technologies.
  • working out
    • I have recently picked up working out again (after an interruption in the past) and I have never felt better.
    • I think I will build out a simple iOS application for tracking the quality of my workouts as I progress.